Small Claims

A Small Claims case is a legal action filed in county court to settle minor legal disputes among parties where the dollar amount involved is $5,000.00 or less, excluding costs, interest and attorney fees.

A Small Claims case is begun with the filing of a Statement of Claim. The form requires the name(s) and address(es) of the party or parties you are suing, the amount of money you are suing for and an explanation of why you are suing. You must also include your name, mailing address and telephone number on the form.

When your judgment lien was recorded in the Official Records of your county, it remained on the record for a period of 7 years. At the end of those 7 years, a certified copy of your judgment needed to be re-recorded, along with an affidavit containing your current address. Each time you recorded your judgment it was for a period of 7 years, and could have been re-recorded every 7 years up to 20 years. The re-recording would have to be done within the 90-day period immediately preceding the expiration of the lien.

A pretrial court date will be set. If the defendant is served, both parties will mediate to reach an agreement. If no agreement is reached, a future trial date will be set.

Case could be continued or dismissed at the judge's discretion.