Circuit Civil

Section 68.07, Florida Statutes, dealing with a person's change of name, requires the electronic submission of the petitioner’s fingerprints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for a state and national criminal history record check.

The electronic fingerprint reading can be performed at the following Charlotte County Sheriff's Office locations:

  • Headquarters
  • 7474 Utilities Road
  • Punta Gorda, FL 33982
  • Monday thru Friday
    8:30am - 4:30pm

You must provide photo identification along with the below Origination Agency Identification Number (ORI) to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office to perform the electronic fingerprint reading.

ORI# FL923590Z

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office charges an internal fingerprint processing fee of $5.00. This fee is to be paid by cash only.

Once completed, you will be given a receipt with your Transaction Control Number (TCN). You must then go online to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Civil Applicant Payment System to have your fingerprints processed.

The fee for a name change criminal history record check is $37.25 ($24.00 for the state FDLE portion and $13.25 for the national FBI portion).

The results of the criminal history record check will be emailed to the Clerk of Court and will be provided to the court prior to granting the name change. The petitioner will be notified by the Clerk to schedule a court hearing once the results have been received.